Monday, May 14, 2012



Collaborative Indie Fiction Publishing
Ghazali Bunari, Faizal Yamimi Mustapha, Rohayah Kahar

For new writers, getting their stories published is time-consuming and can often be a frustrating experience. Guided collaborative indie publishing gives emerging writers an alternate platform to get published. In 2004, an indie publishing group named Sindiket Sol-jah invited the public to participate in an indie publishing project.  The purpose of this project was to provide a platform for new writers to experience the process of publishing their own works. The group has successfully published four short story anthologies since. This paper presents a case study that describes the collaborative publishing model used by the group in for their project. The group has extensively used the social media as a medium to manage the process of publishing. It guided writers through the process of publishing up to the sales of books. As a result, the writers involved experienced the whole publishing process from drafting their ideas to selling the books to readers. The implementation of collaborative indie fiction publishing has not just encouraged the culture of writing but also inculcate in the writers the awareness of market for their works.

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